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Are smoothies healthy?

Seems like a silly question, but here’s a breakdown of why they can be very healthy and healing.

Smoothies are regarded as a healthy and nutritious meal option for these reasons:

  1. They contain fruits and vegetables in raw form, which is the healthiest.
  2. Applying heat to fruits and vegetables usually destroys a lot (not all) of their nutrients. So in raw form like smoothie bowl, you’re getting all the nutrients in their most potent form*.
  3. You can add other healthy ingredients such as nut milk, seed milk, raw seeds, raw nuts, granola, superfoods (berries), and adaptogens (maca, ginkgo, goji berries).
  4. You can even add oats to smoothies, which makes it a brilliant low-GI breakfast option. Low GI foods provide a slow release of energy, keeping you fuller for longer and stabilizing blood sugar levels.
  5. You can also add Ghee, surprisingly. It’s great for cardiovascular health due to its Omega-3 content.
  6. It’s an effortless way to consume foods and ingredients with healing benefits. So many cancer-fighting, inflammation-reducing, and antioxidant-rich foods can be liquidised and easily consumed this way with little effort.

What you need to know:

  1. You should eat no more than two servings of fruit per day as all fruit contains natural sugars. Remember that raisins, sultanas, and dried fruit are high in sugar as well. If you’re diabetic or concerned with your sugar intake, be mindful. Balance it out with more veggies, unsalted seeds, unsalted nuts, etc.

Smoothies are fun to drink. The mouthfeel, even though rough-textured, can be blended as smooth as you like it, making it an excellent meal option.

*The only exception here is Kale. Kale is very popular in smoothies as it’s a nutrient-rich cruciferous vegetable. But, it does contain a compound called Goitrogen which can interfere with thyroid function in both men and women. This can cause the over-production of (TSH) thyroid hormone, which can lead to thyroid disease. If you’re concerned about this, the best way to consume Kale is by lightly sautéing it as the heat will destroy this compound. There’s no culinary reason why you can’t add it to your smoothie once cooled.

See you next week!

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